prisoners of pain

How One Golfer’s Prison Escape Can Help Your Knees

prisoners of pain

Image of Ad for Knee Pain Sufferers

I was a prisoner. 

Perhaps you are too?

You might be if…

Is there anything keeping you from doing something you want to do?

Anything keeping you from doing something you need to do?

Physically preventing you? Or mentally?

If so, then you very well could be a prisoner. Of circumstance. Of pain. Of confidence or lack thereof. Of skill. Or that big jailer of some, lack of money.

Maybe my story could help you? To move on. Move up. Move out. To really live the life you always dreamed of. Help you to be free. To escape your current unfulfilled life. To escape your personal prison.

For me, there was no trial. No hearing.

Just, “This is your life now.”

No one could tell me when I would return to the freedoms I once knew. And loved.

I couldn’t play with my kids. Or take them on vacation.

No more golf. No more tennis. No more long reflective walks in the forest.

Or on the beach.

Sex? Out of the question.

If you’re one of those cheery, “Look on the bright side” people…

At least I didn’t have to go to work.

That’s always the dream right? No work.

Until you can’t work. Then, you start to feel useless. 

A burden. Broke.

Depression lurks always, just outside the door.

So many things you suddenly can’t do.

“It’s not fair!” you decry. “I’ve committed no crime!”

Worst part is, it could happen to any one of us. At any time.

My mom would often say before she passed, 

“Who said life was fair?”

Maybe it’s already happened to you?

Knee pain isn’t just an annoyance. A bother. Something to deal with.

It can take your life away. Your freedoms. In an instant.

Suddenly, you can’t do all the things you used to do. Because it hurts too much.

It hurts to walk. So you don’t go out anymore.

It hurts to get in and out of the car. So you park it. Stay home..

You become a prisoner in your own home. 

You’re a prisoner of pain!

You sit. If you can. But sometimes, that hurts too.

Knee pain is a cruel, cruel  jailer.

Doctors can’t tell you when you’ll recover. Or even if.

Often, they can’t even tell you what the exact cause or cure is either.

So they brace you up. Wrap you up. Ice you. Drug you. Scalpel-cut into you. Inject you. X-ray you. CAT scan you. MRI you.

Then, shrug their shoulders.

And send you off to physical therapy.

And it still hurts.

This was my hellish life for 2 years after the injury.

Never knowing when, or if I’d be free of this pain. This life.

Mind you, I wasn’t playing pro-football when it happened. Nor pro-soccer. Nor mountain climbing when I got injured. Not mangled by some horrific car accident neither.

I was walking up the stairs and it went “pop”. Without warning.

Even though I was 58, most folks would say I was fit. Not fat. Not a couch potato.

An active, healthy, 58 year old man – and my life was changed in an instant.

I lost my freedom. My fun. My pride. 

I was a prisoner of pain.

Until finally, I found the key that unlocked the pain.

Now I can walk endlessly. Even ice skate without pain!

I can get into and out of the car easily. Even do squats.

Stairs hold no fear for me, I go up them and down them with ease.

No more embarrassing limp. No canes. No braces. No stinky creams.

No more time consuming doctor visits. 

I’m feeling lucky again.

So lucky in fact, I took the whole family on vacation. To Las Vegas!

(Ha! I don’t feel so lucky anymore – Vegas will do that to ya!)

But I am free again. 

Free to work. To play. To exercise. To anything.

At 58, 59, and at 60 I thought I was all done. This is it.

Now everything is new again.

I credit this change, this elimination of pain, my release from Knee Pain Prison,  to 6 core static-force exercises.

(Never knew these existed, but apparently, pro-athletes, olympians, martial artists have known about these “no-stress on your joints” strength and flexibility exercise for over 100 years)

If you’re suffering from knee pain, I want you to be free.

That’s why I share these 6 fundamental pain-relieving exercises with you now.

Click the link below. See if it might be right for you.

See if it’s the key that sets you free from…

(Cue, scary movie organ music, dun-dun-da)

…Knee Pain Prison!

Here’s the link:

Don’t wait. You’ve been long enough in prison. Try the key. Bust out now.

“Bene Vivere!”

Robert Schwarztrauber


Image of Author Robert Schwarztrauber  Signature Box

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